Sunday, 11 August 2013


This book  captured me  i didn't know what to expect, the story line  was done brilliantly i was expecting Ember to be a witch, but she is a Dae , half fairy and half demon , Ember has challenge and she think shes going insane due to odd things happening around her. She has a close bond with her stepfather Mark  who nick names her sunny D , has done since  he met Embers mother, Her mother has died  or murdered as Ember believes, she found her body after school one day and reports say her mother was attacked by an animal but Ember feels that  some thing sinister has some thing to do with it.

After an incident at school she get the blame of an explosion happening at school ( she is guilty but she doesn't know that  she has  supernatural powers at that point )  she is sent to a school for  her behaviour and meets new friends , she meets a boy who is not what he seems she feels an inner power drawing her self to him and wants to know him more.

while going through confusing time she has dreams and these dreams  she finds there is another world  a story that her mom would tell her  when she would be getting ready for bed ,Torin a handsome strange in her dreams has been giving her clues  to what she is.

Ember has to deal with who she is and will do any thing to do that even if she has to create enemies in the run what she is fighting for she doesn't know yet  but one this she does know she doesn't want her power to be used to hurt innocent people.

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